Meditation is never reduced, philosophically, to mere theoretical aspects; several aspects of its application areas consist of wisdom expertise that philosophy traditionally assigns to self-care and that are associated with spiritual exercises, be that of religious inspiration or not.

Everyone knows the beneficial effect that is obtained from relaxation, and the emptying of negative thoughts as well; even the simple flow of consciousness generated while driving or washing dishes, with good music on the background. This same benefit can be taken at a higher level of awareness through relaxation practices finalized at a greater presence to the self. Positive thinking associated with psychophysical wellness is exactly the main goal in the process that phrenic or sophrological techniques (from the Greek: Sophrosyne, wisdom) seek to gain in strengthening the harmony between body and mind.

Born as a holistic discipline from the contact of the comparative study of the mind in East and West (in the common garden of phenomenological psychiatry and meditation of the Buddhist tradition, yoga and Zen), Sophrology is a practice of annulment and overcoming of blocks and inhibitions. It is realized in loving one’s own body, and reflected in the fulfillment of one’s own self. This is the way the practitioner can have relief from stress, addictions, and compulsive attitudes or negative thoughts, thanks to the short exercises in meditative practice.

The main feature that distinguishes this practice of reflection from medical psychotherapy is linking meditation to the dialogic exchange with the counselor, rather than with an academic, master or guru. Art workshops that foster manual skills, preparatory activities for well-balanced body movement, proprioception, concentration and attitude to healthy competition, are all examples of meditation exercises achieved by phenomenological “suspension of judgment”, which can all be addressed by the practice of philosophical counseling in sports: starting from reading, listening to music, to the art of speech and the art of colors.